For many people across the world, bringing in the New Year is an experience that’s full of excitement, happiness, and a whole lot of resolutions! Come January, many resolution-ers will take over yoga studios and gyms, and some may even tackle the latest diet fads. With all of the positive energy and motivation that a New Year’s resolution may bring, it’s also imperative to add goals to your resolution list that can contribute to your oral health.
Start 2017 with a mindset to keep your oral health in check. Add these simple tips below to your resolution list. Not only are they great for a healthy mouth, they’ll make your smile even greater too.
1. Floss Your Teeth Regularly
Flossing your teeth is a critical step when wanting to maintain a healthy mouth. When you brush your teeth on a daily basis, you only reach the surface of the tooth. In order to keep the gaps in between the teeth clean, you must floss. This is a helpful step towards keeping your teeth from building up with plaque, which often leads to tooth decay, heart disease, and even diabetes!
This is also a perfect New Year’s resolution for children to take on too – it’s recommended for children to start flossing as soon as they have teeth that touch. In addition, if you don’t floss, bacteria can linger in between the crevices of your gums, causing bad breath.
Did you know?
There’s a specific technique to flossing if you are pregnant. Call our office to find out the proper way of flossing if you are expecting.
2. Eat Healthier Foods
Overconsumption of unhealthy foods can contribute to tooth decay over time. Stick to foods that are rich in vitamins and minerals this upcoming year and try some healthy foods such as a cinnamon pear yogurt or an apple. Foods that are full of calcium, such as cheese, seafood, milk, and nuts, help maintain the enamel of your teeth and are yummy too. Other foods that are great for your teeth are those that are full of vitamin D. This vitamin helps the body to easily absorb calcium, which equals strong teeth. Foods that are rich in vitamin C such as kiwis, strawberries, broccoli, and kale will strengthen your gums and reduce inflammation.
Did you know?
Chewing gum is considered a good producer of saliva. This process strengthens teeth and reduces the acidity levels in your mouth.
3. Routine Dental Visits
Make sure to go to the dentist 2 times for 2017. This will help you keep up with teeth maintenance. If you go to the dentist often, you’ll have a better chance of not contracting gingivitis, oral cancer, tartar buildup, and many other oral issues. During a professional oral cleaning or exam, the dentist will fully examine your mouth to identify any health risks, and will give you a personalized regimen to continue having a healthy mouth.
4. Consume Less
We all must admit, sugary treats like brownies, candy, or ice cream are a guilty pleasure. It’s okay to have them in moderation, but be careful- too much sugar can increase the risk of cavities on your teeth. Consuming sugar can also lead to tooth loss, changes in your bite, and even a replacement of dental work that was previously done.
5. Cut Back On Alcohol
You can have brighter skin, a better mood, and a slimmer waistline as easy as 1,2,3. Sounds absolutely amazing, right? These are a few of the many benefits that you’ll have when you cut back on drinking alcohol. As a matter of fact, you’ll have more energy and the risk of cancer will decrease immediately once you reduce alcohol consumption. Over time alcohol can weaken your teeth and enhance the chances of getting gum disease, tooth decay or even painful mouth sores. Alcohol is also one of the top 3 contributing factors to oral cancer.
Did you know?
Once you stop drinking alcohol, your immune system is immediately boosted, your cholesterol reduces and you rebuild body muscle!
6. Drink Fluoridated Water
According to the American Dental Association, the fluoride in water cuts the chances of developing tooth decay by 25% in both adults and children. Fluoride is recognized as the most important nutrient for healthy teeth, and it’s commonly found in toothpaste. Fluoridated water is found in most tap water. It’s also important for babies and children to drink fluoridated water so that their teeth can be safely strengthened throughout their development. Consume fluoridated water for 2017. Your teeth will appreciate it!
Did you know?
According to a study conducted by the Journal of Dental Research, 75% of adults who consumed fluoridated water had 30% less tooth decay than those who did not.
7. Quit Smoking
Smoking can cause fatal diseases such as pneumonia, cardiovascular diseases, cancer, and other major issues. According to the American Heart Association, smoking increases blood clotting and the risk of catching a stroke, and it contributes to lung and breathing problems. This habit also contributes to peripheral artery disease – poor blood flow to the arms and legs. The negative effects of smoking don’t stop there, as smoking is the top contributor to having oral cancer.
Did you know?
The minute you quit smoking, your lungs and other bodily organs start to heal themselves. Also, the carbon monoxide levels that are brought into your body with smoking cigarettes will decrease dramatically within 12 hours of quitting. 3 days after you quit smoking, the nicotine will be completely out of your body!
8. Change Your Toothbrush (Every 3 Months).
For 2017, remember to change your toothbrush every 3 months for better hygiene, especially if the bristles are eroded. A single toothbrush can house over 10 million germs and bacteria! Also, it’s suggested to keep your toothbrushes uncovered. If you cover your toothbrush after brushing your teeth, the moist environment can trigger the growth of bacteria.
Did you know?
To prevent viruses and colds, keep your toothbrush separated from touching others’ when it is stored away.
Contact Ian Smith, DMD
These resolutions are easy to begin, and you can also reap their amazing benefits. Let 2017 be the year that your oral health is on the forefront of your priorities! Use the suggestions stated above and begin the new year with a new you and a new smile! If you have any further questions about proper oral techniques, don’t hesitate to call our office at 570.714.3883.
From our team at Ian Smith Dental, have a safe New Years!